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Exchange Rate Disconnect Revisited   [2024]

- by R. Chahrour and V. Cormun and P. De Leo and P. Guerron-Quintana and R. Valchev

Oxford Macroeconomics Conference


Intermediary Market Power and Capital Constraints   -   Slides   [2024]

by J. Allen and M. Wittwer

AFA Annual Meetings


Monetary Policy in an Unbalanced Economy   -  Slides   [2023]

- by L. Fornaro and F. Romei

CEPR Paris Symposium


Monetary Policy and Wealth Effects: The Role of Risk and Heterogeneity   -   Slides   [2023]

- by N. Caramp and D. H. Silva

15th Annual Paul Woolley Centre Conference


Learning by Necessity: Government Demand, Capacity Constraints, and Productivity Growth   -   Slides   [2022]

- by E. Ilzetzki

Salento Macro Meetings


The Cross-border Effects of Bank Capital Regulation   -   Slides   [2022]

- by S. Bahaj and F. Malherbe

Qatar Centre for Global Banking and Finance Conference


Crisis Interventions in Corporate Insolvency   -   Slides   [2021]

- by S. Antill and C. Clayton

ETH Zurich Macro-finance Conference


Empirical Evidence of the Lending Channel of Monetary Policy under Negative Interest Rates   -   Slides   [2021]

- by W. Boungou

Banque de France Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance


Is the working capital channel important?   -   Slides   [2019]

- by M. Suveg

Nordic Summer Symposium in Macroeconomics

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